Higher and Higher

Calling all trail lovers: We need your help to finish an all-new Cancourse trail before the dirt dries out! Our third trail work party will be 9am-12pm on June 30th (see calendar event for details). We have been busy since the second trail work party, striving to bench the entirety of the trail while the dirt is still moist. Excavation is continuing apace, and we are about 80% of the way to the top now.

Heavy rainfall shortly after we finished the lower trail segment helped firm up the dirt, and the trail shed the runoff with virtually no puddling or channeling. If we’re lucky, some thunderstorms will come along and help pack the dirt after we finish the trail construction, which is why we really want to finish before July.


A view from roughly 200’ above the valley floor (click on image for full resolution)

The trail work party on June 30th may be our last chance before autumn to make this new trail awesome. Please join us if you can, and spread the word far and wide.